This page is always under construction -- meanwhile, take
a look at our Links page, ASFS's FoodProfNet
page, our new Bibliography of ASFS member's
writings, and Dorothy Blair's photos of the
2005 conference, literally Visualizing Food and Farm.
Upcoming Symposia & Calls
for Papers
Conferences are listed chronologically, with the earliest
deadlines for submission of papers first.
Modern Quantity Food Production
Deadline for submissions: n/a
Manuscripts are now being accepted for an edited book on modern quantity
food production (from an expert's point of view).
Novell ideas for chapters will be considered.
The book will address the needs culinary students or professionals in
the food product manufacturing, culinary, dietetics or foodservice fields.
Chapter topics for publication include:
Types of food operations and systems -- a modern perspective
Target marketing, customer profiles, food preference
Recipe development for the different genres of production (i.e. manufacturing,
foodservice), production formulas and product yields (conversions, etc.)
Food costs and pricing
Menus (the marketing mix), menu engineering
Facilities and equipment
Nutrition and food production
Quantity food -- science and technology
Other appropriate topics on quantity food production will
be considered.
For questions or manuscript submission, please contact Dr.
Charles Feldman.
Proposed Food System Journal
for Agency/Organizational Practitioners and Academics
Deadline: n/a
SHARE YOUR IDEAS: Go directly to Food System Journal SURVEY.
Food systems and agricultural development in North America and other Western
societies is a relatively young but rich field that includes planning,
community and economic development, Extension education, academia, and
other professions.
New Leaf Associates Publishing and Consulting, which specializes in regional
farming and food systems, is exploring the development of an ONLINE JOURNAL
and supporting WEBSITE to provide both practical information on the state-of-the-art
for food system and agriculture development practitioners, and also to
serve as a publishing vehicle for applied researchers and young scholars.
The journal and website will also provide a way for student programs and
organizations to network internationally in order to share information
and ideas.
By focusing on planning and development in the context of farming and
food security, this applied research and practitioners' journal will complement
other more academic journals, such as Food, Culture & Society,
Agriculture and Human Values, and Renewable Agriculture and
Food Systems (formerly American Journal of Alternative Agriculture).
We would appreciate your input on journal and website content and features
as a potential author, site member and/or subscriber through a brief survey.
It will take just 10 minutes or so, and you will be making an important
contribution to the emerging field of food systems and agriculture development.
We are also looking for content for the inaugural issue of the journal.
The last page of the survey asks you to describe any material that you
would like considered for publishing. Please feel free to note papers,
articles and the like that would be of interest to your colleagues.
If you are short on time, please consider completing a /short/ version
of the survey. It will only take a couple minutes.
Survey Link
Thanks for your time and feedback!
New Leaf Associates,
Inc., Publishing and Consulting
We respect your privacy. You may share your e-mail and other contact information
in the survey if you choose.
The First Annual Popular Culture Association of Australia
and New
Zealand (PopCAANZ) Conference
Sydney, June 30 -July 2, 2010.
Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2009
This interdisciplinary and transnational conference is accepting proposals
on ALL aspects of popular culture including but not limited to:
Graphic Novels, Comics and Visual Cultures (Dr
Paul Mountfort)
Popular Design (Dr Derham Groves)
Popular Romance Studies (Dr Glen
Popular Fiction (Dr Toni Johnson-Woods)
Film and TV (Dr Rebecca
Fashion (Dr Vicky Karminas)
Popular Science (Dr William Lott)
Linguistics (Alan Libert)
Queer Studies (Dr Samar Habib)
Journalism and Popular Culture (Dr
John Cokely)
Popular History (Dr Hsu-Ming Teo, Macquarie University)
Food Studies (Toni Risson)
Philosophy and Popular Culture
International Popular Cultures
IT, Gaming, New Media, Internet and Popular Culture
Popular Performance/Entertainment
Popular Music
Indigenous Cultures
Green Issues and Popular Culture
Writing (Creative/Non Fiction)
Libraries, Archives, Museums and Popular Research
Sports and Popular Culture
Proposals for panels are encouraged.
Planned events include a poster session (especially aimed at postgrads
and undergrads but open to all) and a Wine and Sign cocktail hour.
Please mark abstracts Poster Session and e-mail to Dr
Toni Johnson-Woods.
The Wine and Sign cocktail hour will include editors from academic and
non-academic publishers.
The deadline for submissions is 30th November, 2009. Abstracts (max 200
word) should be sent as e-mail attachments to the area chairs, if no area
chair is designated please forward to Dr
Toni Johnson-Woods. Include your name, affiliation, mailing and e-mail
address, and the title of your presentation. E-mails should be entitled:
PopCanz Conference. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within one
week, please resend your submission. Accepted presenters will be notified
via e-mail by January 2010.
A selection of papers from the conference will be solicited for publication
in the association's (new) journal. Additional information will be available
on the PopCanz
blogsite. A website is forthcoming.
The Center for Gastrosophy: Epikur
Deadline for submissions: 15 December 2009
The next volume (if it is appropriate to call it that) of our online-journal
for gastrosophy, Epikur, will contain contributions inspired
by and about Epicurus. The ancient Greek philosopher (341-271 B. C.) correlated
rationality and pleasure in a way that has been subject to controversial
discussions until today. You can choose between the forms of an article
or essay.
Deadline: Dec. 15, 2009.
Interested? Please send an e-mail
for guidelines for authors and further information.
For more information please visit this site
(in German language).
Province of Salzburg: Information event on EU funding for innovative SMEs,
Nov. 11, 2009
Our Congress on Regionality: preparations for 2010 are being made. If
you need further information on some details, please do not hesitate to
contact our office.
Food and the Social Imagination in Medieval and Renaissance
American Association for Italian Studies
Annual Conference at the University of Michigan
Ann Arbor Campus
April 22-25, 2010
Deadline for submissions: 2 January 2010
This panel looks to feature interdisciplinary papers that
consider the authenticity of cultural representations of food and wine
in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Please submit a 350-500 word abstract
via email by January 2, 2010 to:
University of Sioux Falls
Food, Power & Meaning in the Middle East and the
International Conference
15 - 16 June 2010
Ben-Gurion University
Beer Sheva, Israel
Deadline for submissions: 1 February 2010
“Thinking about food can help to reveal the rich
and messy texture of our attempts at self-understanding,
as well as our interesting and problematic understanding of our relationship
to social others” (Uma Narayan, 1997)
Food, like the air we breathe, is essential for our survival
as biological beings. Food is therefore amongst the most prominent means
of power: while regulating the food intake of others or preventing them
from eating altogether is the outmost form of coercion, access to, and
control over large amounts of nutritious and expensive fare are manifestations
of prestige, supremacy and potency.
Food, however, is not only a means of coercion but also a means of cooperation,
mutual assistance and partnership. In instances where food is distributed
or handed over, power is ensued through social exchange. Food sharing
is therefore highly regulated across cultures and is routinely embedded
in complex sets of rules and rituals.
Yet the culinary sphere is also an arena where power is negotiated and
challenged, where existing power structures are undermined and where alternative
arrangements are suggested and experimented with. Indeed, as a mundane,
body-oriented, non-verbal praxis centered on short-lived and hardly-defined
artifacts, eating is probably one of the most taken for granted social
activities and the culinary sphere is therefore among the least reflexive
and self-aware cultural arenas. As such, it is a privileged space for
social negotiation, subversion and resistance.
The ecologically and culturally diverse area encompassing the Middle East
and the Mediterranean (Northern Africa and Southern Europe) is one where
modern national boundaries, many of which imposed during colonial times,
systematically transgress ethnic and religious divisions and is therefore
inflicted by conflicts, violence and war. This area also features some
of the world's grandest cuisines, as well as many others, which are possibly
less renowned but certainly no less elaborate, rich, complex and intriguing.
Economic and political debates are only part of the complex fabric into
which food and power are woven in the region: changing meal structures,
gendered foodways, religious culinary innovation or conspicuous consumption
of food as a means of class distinction are all daily features of life
in the Middle East and the Mediterranean that involve differing measures
of power and meaning.
In this workshop we wish to explore the ways in which the food and foodways
partake in the production, reproduction, negotiation and subversion of
power and meaning in the Middle East and Mediterranean. We seek papers
that approach the culinary sphere as an active arena of cultural production,
that perceive of culinary artifacts as cultural icons that define different
aspects of identity and that highlight power and power relations as tangible
social forces.
The workshop will be held in Ben Gurion University in Beer Sheva, Israel
(in the English language). The program will include ample time for discussion
as well as tours to unique culinary venues in the region, where power
is an important aspect of the culinary experience.
Invited Keynote Speakers
Prof. George Ritzer, author of The McDonaldization
of Society and Globalization: A Basic Text
Prof. Carole Counihan, author of Around the Tuscan Table and
The Anthropology of Food and Body
Submission of Paper Proposals
Researchers (including postgraduates and early career
researchers), theoreticians and scholars in the fields of anthropology,
sociology, gastronomy, geography, history, cultural studies, tourism,
economics and political science who deal with aspects related to food
culture in the Middle East and the Mediterranean are invited to submit
a paper proposal (abstract) of some 250 words to Mr.
Rafi Grosglik.
Deadline for submission of all abstracts: Monday, 1 February 2010
Organizing committee
Dr. Nir Avieli
Mr. Rafi Grosglik,
Prof. Yoram Meital
Prof. Uri Ram.
For more information please contact Dr.
Nir Avieli, the workshop convener.